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Information for Employees Fair Work Australia

Information for Employees and the Fair Work Australia System

The Fair Work system was introduced in 2009 and regulates employees under the National Workplace Relations system.

The key features of the Fair Work system that an employee should be aware of are:-

  • The Modern Award you are employed on or the enterprise agreement that applies. The Modern Award will cover things such as minimum wages, hours of work, leave and other entitlements and termination of employment.
  • The National Employment Standards.  These 10 standards act as a safety net to ensure that employees have an enforceable level of minimum rights and standards.  The standards cover maximum hours of work, parents and carers flexible working arrangements, parental leave and entitlements, annual leave, personal/carers leave and compassionate leave, community service leave, public holidays, termination notices and redundancy pay and provision of a Fair Work Information Statement .

The Fair Work Information Statement

It is a requirement that employers provide all new employees with this Statement. It tells the employee about the 10 Employment Standards mentioned above, modern awards, individual flexibility agreements and more. You can access a copy of the Statement here .